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跑手注意 Runners Updates 

4/21  10:00 - FKT results, Cert, Challenge gifts

 - All FKT results are now availalbe on website, ITRA and 

 - Certificate will be availalbe for download via Trailme App.

 - Please pick up your Challenge finish gift - Gels for first 80 registration , and finish medal for finishers at Gone Running:
:: Period :  Apr 22 - May 8
,  2022

:: Hours: 11:00 - 20:00

 :: Address: 16/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

3/21  22:00 - Challenge Period Extended to Apr 10 (Qualifier eligibility extension pending)

With the announcement that lock-down will not happen from Mar 26 onwards, we are extending the challenge period for two more weeks, so that runners who were quarantined due to recent outbreak can still run in time. 

 - Registration would be open up till Apr 9 23:59 and TrailMe would be open up till Apr 10 23:59.
- Challenge finishers before such time eligible for finish medal. 

 - UTMB Qualifier / ITRA points status for finisher after Mar 25 pending confirmation. 


 - 報名延後至 4月9日23:59, TrailMe 則會紀錄至 4月10日23:59. 
- 限期前挑戰可獲得完成獎勵。

 - 3月25日後挑戰的UTMB資格賽及ITRA積分將需進一步核實. 

2/22  22:00 - Introducing Self-Challenge 2022 自我挑戰

With the fast changing pandemic situation, the virtual race permit application would be adjourned. In light of this, we would not host an official virtual race, and would open the registration system as a self-challenge platform, with all the ground work being laid, including

 - course evaluated and approved

 - TrailMe trackers in place

 - Registration platform - set up 

 - ITRA Points and UTMB Qualifier status obtained

We would make use of the scheduled route, information, registration link and Trailme tracking for you to consider to run as challenge on solo basis. No race pack, no bib, and no podium prizes would be given. We would have a FKT on each course published. If you pay for registration on to and use TrailMe to time the challenge, you can have the benefit of TrailMe tracking, timing, e-cert, obtaining ITRA points if finished within allowed time and period, and obtaining a prize recognizing finishing the challenge. The first 80 finishers based on TrailMe record would receive an additional gift of Crampfix / Spring Gel couresty of Gone Running. Please keep a Strava track (no need to submit) as backup proof in case any ITRA verification is required. Without the official organisation, you are responsible for your own safety and must adhere to the government's regulation on gathering ban and social distancing. 

面對目前的新一波疫情,虛擬賽的申請已中止,因此我們將不會以虛擬賽型式舉辦活動. 而考慮為活動我們已準備的基礎包括 

 - 已初部獲批的賽道

 - 已沿賽道鋪設的 TrailMe 追蹤器

 - 已連結 TrailMe 的 平台

 - 已獲得的 ITRA 分數及UTMB Qualifier 資格

我們開放已有的路線,資訊,登記及追蹤平台給予跑手自我挑戰.挑戰將不設跑手包,號碼布或排名獎項。我們將收集各組別完成時間,公告FKT路線最快時間。以我們已設定的 付費登記及 TrailMe 進行計時,你將可以獲得 : TrailMe 即時追蹤,計時及電子證書,限期及限時內完成的ITRA分數,以及完成挑戰的紀念品。另外首先在 TrailMe 內完成的80位挑戰者,  GoneRunning 將會額外送出 Crampfix / Spring Gel 完成贈品。請保留您的Strava活動紀錄(無需上載)以備ITRA查核之用. 挑戰並非正式官方活動,挑戰者請確保自身安全,並遵從香港有關的限聚令及社交距離的法規。 

Victoria 162 Virtual Challenge
Feb 25 - Mar 24, 2022


2022 Victoria 162 is on TrailMe  - H25, L57, N80, 3-day race and V162 are deployed for self-challenge.

  (H50 / 3-day challenge not available) 

 - Challenge period from Feb 25 to Mar 24

 - Finish souvenir ITRA points eligible only for local runners who finished designated course in allowed time using Trailme
​ - Out of Town Runners can also challenge the km+Effort to be deemed finisher 

 - Whole Course V162 / 3-day race: HKD 240   

 - Single Day  N80 : HKD 240  ; L57 / H25 : HKD 180  

​ - Registration Deadline - Mar 23 

2022 Victoria 162 系列賽中的 H25, L57, N80, 3日賽 及 V162

將以TrailMe 形式供各跑手自我挑戰. 

  (H50 / 3日挑戰賽 從缺)

 - 挑戰期由2月25日至3月24日

 - 挑戰完成禮及 ITRA 積分只適用於使用TrailMe限時內完成挑戰的本地跑手

 - 境外亦可挑戰 km+Effort 達標則完賽

 - 全程 V162 / 3日賽 : HKD 240   

 - 單日 N80 - HKD 240 ;  L57  / H25 - HKD 180  

 - 報名日期至 3月23日止  


Please practice Social Distancing, avoid crowding up in public, keep wearing a mask and adhere to 599G Prohibition on Group gathering ordinance and other pandemic control regulations. 

Course Detail, GPX,
Timing Rules
​路線資料, GPX,

Click button to access data, GPX, map and rules.

​按每個組別按鈕下載路線數據, GPX, 地圖及活動規例



50hr limit



6 points.png

6 ITRA Points


47hr limit

Qualification Required 

5 points.png

5 ITRA Points



24hr limit



15hr limit



8hr limit

4 points.png

4 ITRA Points

3 points.png

3 ITRA Points

1 point.png

1 ITRA Point

Virtual Challenge Overview


Out of Town Runners


1) No need for Strava Track; email screenshots of activity showing time, distance and elevation data.  Can be done in up to 10 segments.

2) Deemed finisher (unranked and without ITRA points) if km + effort meets the requirement for the respective challenge. 

1) 無需上載Strava連結,轉為電郵 可見經過時間,距離及爬升的活動紀錄照片,最多10個分段.

2) 以 km+ effort 達到該分組要求的,將被視為完成,不計排名或ITRA積分。

Finish Prize 完賽獎  

Please pick up at Gone Running:
:: Period :  Apr 22 - May 8
,  2022

:: Hours: 11:00 - 20:00
 :: Address: 16/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


:: Registration ::

Transfer and Cancellation Policy 轉讓及取消政策

Victoria 162 Virtual – V162 / 3-day Cancellation & Transfer Policy
Deferrals: Not applicable.
Refunds: No refunds allowed under any circumstances.   
Transfers: Person to person transfers,  subject to transfer charge.   
Distance switches: Switches from Whole Course to Day Courses will be made as a standard without charge for DNF runners for completed legs once the results submission deadline has been reached. Other switches from Whole Course to Day Courses will not be allowed. 

V162 / 3-day Race 取消及轉讓政策
名額遞延: 不適用.
退款: 任何情況均不設退款.   
轉讓名額: 名額可轉讓,需支付轉讓費用.   
轉換距離: 凡報名參與V162及三日賽而未有完成全程者,賽會在上載期限屆滿後, 將其在限時內完成的單日賽道成績, 免費轉換成有關的單日挑戰。其他由跑者提出的轉成單日賽將不被允許. 

Victoria 162 Virtual – N80 / L57 / H25  Cancellation & Transfer Policy
Deferrals: Not applicable.
Refunds: No refunds allowed under any circumstances.   
Transfers: Person to person transfers, subject to transfer charge.   
Distance switches: Switches from Day Courses to Whole Course are not allowed. Switches between L57, N80 and H25 are also not allowed.

N80 / L57 / H25  取消及轉讓政策

名額遞延: 不適用.
退款: 任何情況均不設退款.   
轉讓名額: 名額可轉讓,需支付轉讓費用.   
轉換距離: 不允許由單日挑戰轉成三日賽或V162, 亦不允許由單日賽轉成另一單日賽。

Terms and Conditions ​條款細則


以本人被取錄參加「Victoria 162 」、「 Victoria 10 」及一切有關活動 (統稱「活動」) 為代價,本人願意遵守由Air One Limited、各獎品贊助商、場地贊助商及各協助機構 (統稱「大會」) 在此列明的條款細則,同意以下所列各點 : 本人明白參加此活動存在受傷、死亡、財物損失及/或任何形式的損失的風險。本人是自願參加此活動和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任,並放棄向大會以及與活動直接或間接聯繫的任何其他個人或組織,對本人往返活動場地途中、活動中發生或其引致之自身意外、死亡、財產損失及/或任何形式的損失提出索償或追討責任。 本人承認了解風險為本人的責任,並聲明本人身體情況良好及有能力報名、參加及完成此活動,而沒有執業醫生曾提出相反意見。 本人明白及同意Air One Limited將本人的個人資料轉交或任何提供本人的個人資料予大會用作賽事用途。 本人於簽署及同意本免責聲明及其他條款細則之日已經年滿18歲或以上,或者未滿18歲但有法定監護人陪同。 本人理解並同意將本人的個人資料提供予大會用作安排活動及下文所述之用。本人願意授權予及同意大會及傳媒在不需要審查情況及不需要本人另外同意下而可在任何媒體中使用本人的個人資料、肖像、姓名及聲線作為籌辦及推廣活動之用,包括但不限於本人肖像及姓名有可能在與活動有關的情況下被使用於大會之網頁、短片、社交媒體及出版物。 本人填妥此報名表格即表示同意及確認所有在此列明之大會規則、條款細則及免責聲明,以及往後所有不時於活動網頁及社交媒體的任何更新及更改。




Participants are required to agree to the following disclaimer, declaration and other provisions:

In consideration of your acceptance of my entry to Victoria 162, Victoria 10 and any ancillary event or function (collectively "Event"), I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as provided by Air One Limited, prize sponsors, venue sponsors and the assisting entities (collectively "Event Organizer") which are listed as the followings: I understand that by participating in the Event there are risks of injury, death, property damages and/or loss of any kind. I am entering the Event voluntarily and I am willing to assume all my own risks and liabilities associated with participating in the Event. I hereby waive, discharge and release the EventOrganizer and any other individual or organization connected directly or indirectly with the Event from any and all rights and claims for liability, loss and/or damages that I may have in the event of injury, death, property damage and/or loss of any kind suffered or incurred by me in or arising from or during the Event, as a consequence of, or while traveling to or from the venue of the Event. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the risks and I declare that I am physically fit to enter, participate in and/or complete the Event safely, and I have not been advised by a practicing medical practitioner not to enter the Event. I declare that I have reached the age of 18 or above on the date I sign and agree to this disclaimer, declaration and other provisions ; alternatively if I have not reached the age of 18, I am accompanied by a legal guardian. I understand and consent to Air One Limited transferring  and any provision of my personal data to the Event Organizer for the arrangement of the Event and as described below. I hereby grant permission and consent to the Event Organizer and the media to utilize my personal information, appearance, name and voice, in connection with organizing and promoting the Event, in any and all media, and agree to waive any right of inspection or approval associated thereto, including but not limited to that my appearance and name may be used in the website, video, Social Media and publication of the Event Organizer related to the Event. By completing this entry form, I agree to and confirm to accept all of the terms and conditions in the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions listed here,  this disclaimer,  declaration and other provisions , and any subsequent amendments of the Event that are posted on the official website and Social Media from time to time.

If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English shall be the governing and prevailing version.

Partners  ​合作


(Finalizing content)

In Association with : 



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