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Jul 2, 2023   |   09:00   |  11km   

Aberdeen P.H.A.B. Barbecue Area | 香港仔傷健樂園燒烤場
Three Garden Road, Central   |   中環花園道三號

Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane

Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane 2023 - we are back in physical form!  After 3 years of pandemic, and 2 virtual editions, we simply cannot wait to bring the excitement of a short physical trail sprint back to life! 

Victoria 10 - 飛越荷蘭徑 2023  回歸實體! 經歷了整整三年的疫情,兩次的虛擬賽,我們急不及待將短途實體賽的刺激好玩,再度在夏日呈現給大家! 

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Race Photos:

Run-pic Album
感謝各攝影師冒雨幫忙拍攝 Victoria 10 飛越荷蘭徑!
大部分相片可於 run-pic 下載,鳴謝各大大:
Andy Chau
Alan 相對論
Lam Sport Photos
Slow Morris
Samson Lai
另有Wilson Mak 在 HKG.WMPhoto Facebook album
及尚待上載的 Nurmu / Alina


Past Editions



Race Info

賽事日期:  2023年7月2日(日)

起點: 香港仔郊野公園傷健樂園燒烤場

水站:  馬己仙峽道配水庫公園

終點: 中環花園道三號


行李寄存時間: 08:00 - 08:45 

起步時間: 09:00

賽事距離: 11公里

限時: 4小時 

Race Date: Jul 2, 2023 (Sunday)

Start: Aberdeen Country Park P.H.A.B BBQ Site

Water Point:  Magazine Gap Service Reservoir Playground

End Point: Three Garden Road, Central

Luggage Drop-off: 08:00 - 08:45 

Start Time: 09:00

Distance: 11km

Time Limit: 4hr


GPX File on Google Doc: download here






2020年4月或之前已報名參加  Victoria 10 - 系列賽或 Victoria 10 飛越荷蘭徑者,名額將自動帶到本場賽事。​

If you have already signed up to Victoria 10 Trail Race Series or Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane on or before April 2020, your registration would be automatically rolled to this race.


賽事組別:  (歲數以賽日為準)

  1. 成年男子/女子組 (18歲或以上 – 45歲以下)

  2. 壯年男子/女子組 (45歲或以上)


​賽事規則及強制裝備:  參看頁末 "賽事規則"

報名期限:  2023年5月15日至6月21日  

報名費用:  HKD 420  

Category Groups: (age on race day)

1. Open Male / Female (18 or above to below 45)

2. Senior Male / Female (45 or above)​

Regulation and Mandatory Gear : See below


Registration Period: May 15 - Jun 21, 2023

Registration Fee: HKD 420 

::        跑手包領取       ::

喜跑 Gone Running

2023年6月28日(三) - 30日(五))

營業時間  12:00 - 20:00
地址 : 灣仔莊士敦道137號


V10 跑手領取期間優惠: 

 - 指定比賽跑鞋 Altra Mont Blanc 7折

 - 除電子產品9折外,其他產品8折優惠 

::        Race Pack Pick Up        ::


Gone Running

Jun 28 (Wed)  - Jun 30 (Fri),  2023


Hours: 12:00 - 20:00

Address: 3/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
(Wan Chai MTR A3 exit turn left then walk 20m)

V10 Runners Pick-up Period Special offer  :

 - Designated Altra Shoes: Mont Blanc 30% off

-  Other items 20% off (except 10% off for electronic items)




Prize & Souvenirs





  1. 需跟隨已標記賽道,不可抄捷徑。

  2. 跑手需以自身力量完成賽事,不允許支援隊或陪跑。

  3. 號碼布必需要掛於清晰可見位置,以供賽會識別用。

  4. 愛惜香港郊野,請勿在賽道上拋棄任何垃圾。被發現遺留垃圾者將被取消資格。

  5. 除非大會特定宣佈,否則所有關門時間將會嚴格執行。任何跑手如起步時遲到15分鐘或以上,將被視為缺席賽事。

  6. 除緊急醫療狀況外,跑手若需棄賽,必需在檢查站方可棄賽。號碼布在將會被留記號,並不能繼續在賽道上比賽。棄賽者需自行安排交通離開檢查站。

  7. 如對賽果有異議,在該賽事完結後12小時內可向賽會正式作出申訴。賽事總監將在所有賽事完結後24小時內作出決定及回覆。  

  8. 視乎跑手狀況,任何經駐站人員診察後身體狀況不適宜繼續的跑手, 駐站人員有權終止其比賽。駐站之決定為不可逆轉。如跑手之狀況需要緊急運送, 該等運送需由跑手自付。大會建議跑手參賽前,購買包含緊急醫運送的個人保險。

  9. 每一組別的頭三名完成者,將獲得獎項及獎品。 


1. 可接收香港訊號的手提電話 

2. 號碼布

​3. 個人水樽/水杯 



2.如在比賽前兩小時 8 號風球生效。比賽將會取消。

4.如比賽期間遇上不限於上述的突發天氣情況,賽會可a) 暫停賽事直至天氣好轉,或b) 賽事被暫停至無法在合理及許可時間內完成時,停止賽事。

5. 如賽事取消,除非檢查站人員有其他指示,參賽者則需要回到終點取回行李。

6.  大會將不會為任何不可抗力包括疫症,示威活動,政府部門臨時取消許可證, 或天氣所致的取消,停賽,改路,延誤等之改動作任何退款。

General Rules

  1. Stay on marked course. No shortcuts allowed.

  2. Runners must finish the race on its own power.  No Support Team or pacers allowed.

  3. Racing Bibs must be visible to race marshals.

  4. Respect the beautiful HK Country Parks. Strictly no littering allowed; any runners caught littering will be disqualified.

  5. All cutoff times, unless otherwise announced officially, are straightly observed. In addition, Racers arriving more than 15 minutes after any race starts will not be allowed to race.

  6. Except for injuries, any drop outs must be done at checkpoints and race marshals must be notified. Your bib would be altered to mark the DNF status. Retired runners are considered out of the race and are responsible for arranging transportation to leave the CP on their own accord.

  7. Any protests must be made within 12 hours of race finish. The Race Directors would revert with final decision within 24 hours of race finish.

  8. CP staff would exert the right to stop a runner’s race if the runner’s condition is deemed unfit to continue. CP staff’s decision are considered final. If an emergency evacuation is required, the runner would be responsible for paying for such service. Insurance policy covering emergency evacuation is strongly recommended.

  9. Top 3 finishers of each races would receive award and prizes.


Mandatory Equipment

  1.  Working Mobile Phone with HK Signal reception

  2.  Race bib

  3.  Personal water flask / Personal cup

Race Postponement, Suspension and Stopping policy


  1. The race would be cancelled if Typhoon 8 or black rain is hoisted during any of the races.

  2. If Typhoon 8 is in effect 2 hours prior to the start of a particular race, that particular race will be cancelled.

  3. If a red/black rainstorm or thunderstorm warning is in effect 1 hour prior to start, the particular race start might be postponed until the warning is lifted.

  4. If during the race any severe weather condition, not limited to the above comes into effect, the organizer might a) suspend the races until the severe weather condition passes, or b) abandon a particular race if the severe weather condition is going to delay the race to an extent that there is not enough time to hold an event.

  5. Unless otherwise instructed by race officials, participants would pick up their luggage at their race end point if a race is cancelled midway.

  6. No refund in case of any race disruption including but not limited to cancellation, suspension, reroute, or delay due to weather condition or force majeure ​such as pandemic outbreak, demonstration, or unexpected cancellation of event permits by government, etc. 





A Victoria 162 Series Race


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