Victoria 10 Virtual
Historic Parker 柏架歷史遊

May 14 - Jun 20 2021 | 14km
Mount Parker Lodge, Greig Road, Quarry Bay
Law Uk Folk Museum, Chai Wan

「今天說起吊車,只想起海洋公園。 但可想像到早在125年前,香港已出現吊車系統,連繫英皇道和柏架山大風坳嗎?這個吊車系統在清光緒年代已經存在,畫家吳友如將之稱為「銅鑼飛棧」,可能是認錯該處是銅鑼灣。他在《海國叢談》描述那吊車,感嘆:「泰西人巧奪天工,至窮思議,有可超設棧之法而飛越者,則謂之飛棧而無不可。」(來源:香港01)
V10 Virtual Race 3 - 柏架歷史遊:14公里的虛擬賽事,延續V10系列 Race 1 荷蘭徑到 Race 2西貢古道,探索舊香港歷史的精神。
上攀柏架山這個港島第二高的山峰,由吊車遺跡開始,一路尋找:政府戰前籌建的大鑊飯公共飯堂,日軍二戰時期守山的山洞與隧道,大風坳療養院的地基;沿山腰繞往大潭百年水利一部分的"猛鬼橋",經隱身在墳場地帶的圓頂清真寺,最後在歷史博物館5個分館之一,柴灣目前碩果僅存一座客家古村屋,有200多年歷史的法定古蹟 - 羅屋民俗館作結。
After Dutch Lane and Sai Kung, V10 continue to explore the history of Hong Kong, this time up to and around Mount Parker.
V10 - Historic Parker climbs the 2nd tallest hill on the Hong Kong island. First, trace the Taikoo Ropeway remnants, Japanese WWII caves and tunnels, base of demolished Sanitorium at Quarry Gap. Then descend and run around the hill to cross the Ghost bridge that forms part of the century old Tai Tam waterworks, onto the Mosque quietly sitting in the cemetery area, and finally, arrive at the declared monument that is the Law Uk Folk Museum, the only remaining 200-year plus old Hakka house standing in Chaiwan.
Runners would get a summer-esque runner pack with 250ml flask and quick freeze towel amongst other goodies. In addition we have a selection of old times Hong Kong Sticker set, which can be added to your registration for decorating your phone or tablet.

Virtual Race Detail
Registration Period: May 3 - Jun 20 2021
HKD 180 / Person
Registrants of 2020 Physical "V10 - Parker Pipes " or "V10 Series" prior to end Apr-2020: Free Entry
Virtual Race Period: May 14 - Jun 21 2021
Distance: 14km
Start: Mount Parker Lodge, Greig Road, Quarry Bay
End: Law Uk Folk Museum, Chai Wan
Route: Taikoo Ropeway - Quarry Gap - Mount Parker - Hong Pak - Yiu Tung - Parker Contour Trail - Ghost Bridge - Chaiwan Mosque
登記期限: 2021年5月3日至6月20日
每位 $180
2020年4月前已報 "V10 - 柏架鐵棧道" 賽體賽,或 "V10 系列賽"賽體賽 選手可免費參加
虛擬賽事期間: 2021年5月14日至6月21日
距離: 14公里
起點: 鰂魚涌基利路康景花園
終點: 柴灣羅屋民俗館
路線: 吊車徑 - 大風坳 - 柏架山 - 康柏 - 耀東 - 柏架棋山徑 - 猛鬼橋 - 柴灣清真寺 - 羅屋民俗館
賽道 GPX
Virtual Course and GPX
Download the GPX route onto your phone app or GPS watch. Follow the track to complete the course. Enlarged graphic map, Strava and Google map are also available.
下載GPX到手機GPX程式或GPS手錶,並於活動時緊隨其路線。亦有圖像檔,Strava及Google Map 檔案供快速參考。

Graphic Map
Please be aware of the downhill from Mt Parker to Hong Pak Country Trail via Wifi Rock, with the initial bit very steep through a bamboo bush and a rock slab surface.
Race Pack Pick-up
Apex Sports Tsuen Wan 荃灣店
Pick Up Period: May 12- Jun 20 2021
Time: Opens Daily 12:00 - 20:00
Address: 1516B, 15/F, Nam Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
領取日期: 2021年5月12日至6月20日
領取時間: 星期一至日 12:00 - 20:00
地址: 荃灣青山道264-298南豐中心15樓1516B 室

Start and Timing
Race Period: May 14 - Jun 20, 2021
比賽期間 : 2021年5月14日 - 6月20日
Please participate at your own risk, and strictly adhere to the current regulation including but not limited to: maximum gathering limit, put on a mask when not exercising, social distancing. Stay hygienic and keep health threats at bay.
There is no time limit for your racing time, so you can pace yourself accordingly. To qualify as a finisher, you would need to record a continuous Strava activity that accurately tracks the race course, and take photos with your bib at the required 7 points. The Strava track and selfies should be uploaded post-race before the upload cutoff.

1) Race and take selfie pictures at 7 locations
2) Pick your best run
3) Upload Strava / Garmin Link and enter race time
4) Upload photos of your best run

Start Point : 康景花園 Mount Parker Lodge
Photo Point 1 - 馬鞍躉 Saddle Base
Photo Point 2 - 柏架山主峰 Mount Parker 532m
Photo Point 3 - 恐龍石 Dino Rock
Photo Point 4 - 耀東邨小巴站 Yiu Tung Minibus Terminus
Photo Point 5 - 猛鬼橋 Ghost Bridge
End Point : 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum

Upload Period: on or before Jun 21, 2021
上載期限 : 2021年 6月21日或之前
Finish Prize
Finish badge can be picked up from Apex Sports Tsuen Wan. Pick Up Period: May 20 - Jun 25 2021
可憑完賽紀錄到 Apex Sports 荃灣店領取完成獎. 領取日期: 2021年5月20日至6月25日

限量50份 : 懷舊香港系列貼紙包
50 Complimentary Old Time Hong Kong Stickers
原創 Created by: Traveler's Art Journal

特別送出50套 Traveler's Art Journal 懷舊香港系列貼紙包給予分享相片的跑者,先到先得!只需您在FB,IG或MeWe裡,分享您的比賽打卡照片,包括以上的CP,以及以下地點,並標註我們的官方網頁(FB / IG victoria162.hk; MeWe Victoria162)
50 Traveler's Art Journal Old Time Hong Kong Sticker sets for runners who share and tag us on social media (FB / IG victoria162.hk; MeWe Victoria162), with a post including the above CP Pics, plus pics of below spots -
太古吊車4號躉(進入吊車徑的第一套躉“高低躉)Number 4 Base
戰前爐灶(在晨運園地內)Pre-WWII Stove
大風坳療養院地基 (在大風坳燒烤場正下方,大風坳過閘口後,左方路邊進入)Sanitorium Base at Quarry Gap (Entrance is on the left just after the gate)
貓爪石(柏架山道落康柏路段中間)Wifi Rock
花果山(康柏郊遊徑尾段) Monkey King Hill
清真寺(火葬場之後落山段)Chaiwan Mosque

Add-on Items
Traveler's Art Journal 懷舊香港貼紙 :
- 懷舊香港零食系列貼紙包 -
- 懷舊香港系列貼紙包 -
- 懷舊香港小食系列貼紙包 -

Series Slam
V10 Virtual Series M/F who wins all 3 races
Virtual 系列賽男/女3場皆奪冠大獎

X1T Massage Gun 按摩槍
Sponsor Compliments
Prizes Sponsor

Venue Sponsor

Support Partners

Terms & Conditions
以本人被取錄參加「Victoria 162 」、「 Victoria 10 」及一切有關活動 (統稱「活動」) 為代價,本人願意遵守由Air One Limited、各獎品贊助商、場地贊助商包括但不限於Apex Sports以及各協助機構 (統稱「大會」) 在此列明的條款細則,同意以下所列各點 : 本人明白參加此活動存在受傷、死亡、財物損失及/或任何形式的損失的風險。本人是自願參加此活動和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任,並放棄向大會以及與活動直接或間接聯繫的任何其他個人或組織,對本人往返活動場地途中、活動中發生或其引致之自身意外、死亡、財產損失及/或任何形式的損失提出索償或追討責任。 本人承認了解風險為本人的責任,並聲明本人身體情況良好及有能力報名、參加及完成此活動,而沒有執業醫生曾提出相反意見。 本人明白及同意Air One Limited將本人的個人資料轉交或任何提供本人的個人資料予大會用作賽事用途。 本人於簽署及同意本免責聲明及其他條款細則之日已經年滿18歲或以上,或者未滿18歲但有法定監護人陪同。 本人理解並同意將本人的個人資料提供予大會用作安排活動及下文所述之用。本人願意授權予及同意大會及傳媒在不需要審查情況及不需要本人另外同意下而可在任何媒體中使用本人的個人資料、肖像、姓名及聲線作為籌辦及推廣活動之用,包括但不限於本人肖像及姓名有可能在與活動有關的情況下被使用於大會之網頁、短片、Facebook及出版物。 本人填妥此報名表格即表示同意及確認所有在此列明之大會規則、條款細則及免責聲明,以及往後所有不時於活動網頁及 Facebook 的任何更新及更改。
Participants are required to agree to the following disclaimer, declaration and other provisions:
In consideration of your acceptance of my entry to Victoria 162, Victoria 10 and any ancillary event or function (collectively "Race"), I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as provided by Air One Limited, prize sponsors, venue sponsors including but not limited to Apex Sports and the assisting entities (collectively "Race Organizer") which are listed as the followings: I understand that by participating in the Race there are risks of injury, death, property damages and/or loss of any kind. I am entering the Race voluntarily and I am willing to assume all my own risks and liabilities associated with participating in the Race. I hereby waive, discharge and release the Race Organizer and any other individual or organization connected directly or indirectly with the Race from any and all rights and claims for liability, loss and/or damages that I may have in the event of injury, death, property damage and/or loss of any kind suffered or incurred by me in or arising from or during the Race, as a consequence of, or while traveling to or from the venue of the Race. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the risks and I declare that I am physically fit to enter, participate in and/or complete the Race safely, and I have not been advised by a practicing medical practitioner not to enter the Race. I declare that I have reached the age of 18 or above on the date I sign and agree to this disclaimer, declaration and other provisions ; alternatively if I have not reached the age of 18, I am accompanied by a legal guardian. I understand and consent to Air One Limited transferring and any provision of my personal data to the Race Organizer for the arrangement of the Race and as described below. I hereby grant permission and consent to the Race Organizer and the media to utilize my personal information, appearance, name and voice, in connection with organizing and promoting the Race, in any and all media, and agree to waive any right of inspection or approval associated thereto, including but not limited to that my appearance and name may be used in the website, video, Facebook and publication of the Race Organizer related to the Race. By completing this entry form, I agree to and confirm to accept all of the terms and conditions in the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions listed here, this disclaimer, declaration and other provisions , and any subsequent amendments of the Race that are posted on the official website and Facebook from time to time.
If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English shall be the governing and prevailing version.
A Victoria 162 Series Race

© 2017-21 by Air One Limited. All Rights Reserved
Email: rd@victoria162.hk