Prizes and Souvenirs
Prizes 獎項

Prize Sponsors:
Brooks Running || ELEEELS || VAGA || Velites
Each top 3 men and women (and teams if applicable) would be awarded prizes. No categories or age groups.
不設分齡或組別, 大會將頒發獎項予每個比賽的總成績頭3名男子及頭3名女子 (及團體頭3名, 如有).
V162: 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍, 團體冠亞季軍.
Male overall 1, 2, 3, Women overall 1, 2, 3, and Team overall 1, 2, 3.
3-day Challenge: 以三站總成績計算, 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Summing the total time over 3 days, Male overall 1, 2, 3, Women overall 1, 2, 3.
3-day Race: 以三站總成績計算, 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Summing the total time over 3 days, Male overall 1, 2, 3, Women overall 1, 2, 3.
L57: 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Male overall 1, 2, 3 and Women overall 1, 2, 3.
N80: 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Male overall 1, 2, 3 and Women overall 1, 2, 3.
H50: 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Male overall 1, 2, 3 and Women overall 1, 2, 3.
H25: 男子冠亞季軍, 女子冠亞季軍.
Male overall 1, 2, 3 and Women overall 1, 2, 3.
註: 2025 年各賽事的頒獎禮,擬定於3月9日下午4時,於 H6 堅尼地城舉行。
The prize presentation of all races would tentatively be held at 4pm on Sunday Mar 9 at H6 Kennedy Town.
Click on image to enlarge poidum prize detail

Souvenirs 紀念品
All Early Bird Registrants would have guarantee Runner's Tee and Finisher Jacket in correct size. We cannot
guarantee sufficient amount of correct size of Tee / Jacket beyond Early Bird Period.
Runner's Tee 跑手衫

Please refer to the following Size Chart

Runner's Pack 跑手包

本地跑手 Local Runners
各跑手可於3月1日 (六) – 3月4日 (二) 12:00 – 19:30在 Escapade銅鑼灣店 領取跑手包.:
地址: 銅鑼灣禮頓道19號怡興大廈1樓 (銅鑼灣站A出口)
+852 28911855 / /
:: 憑號碼布或出示Victoria 162確認電郵,於 Escapade 享有正價貨品8折優惠,指定品牌更低至6折,優惠期為3月1日至3月16日 ::
Race Packs are available for pick up from Saturday Mar 1 to Tuesday Mar 4, 12:00 - 19:30 , at Escapade Causeway Bay.
Address: 1/F, Yee Hing Building, 19 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay (Causeway bay MTR Exit A)
+852 28911855 / /
:: Simply show your race Bib or the confirmation email to Escapade staff, and you can enjoy 20% off on purchase of regular priced goods; and 40% off on selected brands. Offer good from Mar 1st up to March 16th. ::
非本地及境外跑手 Out-of-town Runners
Out-of-town runners - please pick up at your race start point. You must complete the race pack pick up and gear check 1 hour prior to and NO LATER THAN 30 mins prior to race start of your race.

Finisher Pack 完成禮品